The Promotional Talent Club (PTC) is a non-profit youth led organization, based in Jos Plateau state of Nigeria. Founded in 1996 and registered with the Ministry of Youth and Social Development (Reg. 398JN (ASS/6147), the PTC is concerned with the positive development of young people, the promotion of culture for tourism and peace building, using social marketing, mass media and mobilization strategies.



To promote the dignity and quality of life of young people fostering decent productivity and the promotion of arts and tourism through: - research, training, concerts, competitions, festivals, cultural exchanges and creative media projects.










 To become a self-sufficient youth development agency committed to promoting the dignity and quality of life of young people, culture for tourism and peace building.



I. Sharing and Service: We are conscious of the world around us so we speak, act and work to improve ourselves and those around us.

II. Self Reliance and Networking: We reach inwards for strengths and abilities to achieve our goals and aspirations and look outwards to foster solidarity between talented young people and other stakeholders.

III. Freedom and Justice: We believe that all human beings are created equal and endowed with certain undeniable rights among which are Life, Liberty and Leisure.

IV. Learning and Leadership: We maintain a learning approach to issues and events and use every knowledge gain to impart positive values in the lives of tomorrow’s leaders.


The club’s activities are tailored to benefit young people of all ages Special emphasis is placed on young adults, 18 to 35 years some of whom are ‘talented but idle’. We hope to keep them engaged, away from alcohol, drugs, crime and other negative social vices.


The Promotional Talent Club is structured as follows: -

v     The Local Advisory Board. (Trustees)

v     The Executive Council (for Technical Review)

v     Project Implementation/Management Team v     The General Congress (Floor Members)

v     Honorary Members (Special Supporters)